Compound interest : Why compounding is considered as the eighth wonder of the world

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He…

Don’t keep on chasing top mutual performers

If you are among those investors who started investing in mutual funds 2-3 years back then…

What should be the ideal emergency corpus the individuals should maintain !

The future is uncertain and all of us know it. But still, we ignore the fact…

Are equity mutual funds risky?

When we talk about mutual funds, there are two things which come simultaneously comes to our…

Best Mutual Fund : How to select best mutual fund scheme?

The past returns offered by mutual funds have filled investors with enthusiasm and has induced them…

Sovereign Gold Bond: What is it? A complete overview

Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) scheme was launched by the Government of India in November 2015 under…

Nominal rate Vs Real rate: Difference between nominal and real rate of return?

Simply put, the nominal rate of return is the return which an investor earns on his/her…

PPF ( Public Provident Fund)– A complete overview

PPF or Public Provident Fund is a government sponsored long term savings scheme which bears a…

Traditional schemes: Is investing in traditional schemes like PPF, SSY, etc still makes sense?

Are Traditional schemes make any sense to invest your money? Here is a complete solution for…

Retirement Planning :When should you start and how should you plan for your retirement?

Retirement! What things come in your mind when you read or hear this word? Peace, mental…